View Requests - 113 found

E-Scooter - Abandoned / Parking Concerns at 1202 Prospect Av SW

3 e scooters blocking sidewalk completely
OPENED 9 months ago #24-00193034
E-Scooter  - Abandoned / Parking Concerns at 1202 Prospect Av SW

E-Scooter - Abandoned / Parking Concerns at 32 Shawcliffe Co SW

It's not escooter, but someone's bicycle. It is lying here for like 4 days.
OPENED 11 months ago #24-00073848
E-Scooter  - Abandoned / Parking Concerns at 32 Shawcliffe Co SW

E-Scooter - Abandoned / Parking Concerns at 287 Creekstone Wy SW

Red van parked across the street from my home has been parked there for over a month and not moved. I do not know who owns the vehicle.
OPENED 11 months ago #24-00036110
E-Scooter  - Abandoned / Parking Concerns at 287 Creekstone Wy SW

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