View Requests - 9,270 found

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at Centre St Bridge Northwest Calgary Calgary

Center St. Lane Reversal Timing in the AM
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 18 days ago #24-00901379

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 4155 90 Av SW

The left turn advanced signal comes on at every light change from eastbound 90th to southland drive northbound. There is no street to turn onto. The turn lane is blocked off why does this advanced signal even exist. It is a waste of time...
CLOSED 18 days ago #24-00922120

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 631 Meredith Rd NE

Timing of the light for traffic crossing Edmonton trail is causing backup into downtown
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 18 days ago #24-00918476

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 128 Elbow Dr SW

Traffic light isn’t long enough and causes significant back ups/delays along 68 avenue at Elbow drive.
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 18 days ago #24-00921648

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 4646 37 St SW

Turning light from Richardson way onto 37 street SW heading south is far too short during peak times. It is impossible to make a right hand turn from Sarcee road onto Richardson Way at peak traffic times because of this.
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 18 days ago #24-00918116

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 245 Chapalina Me SE

Light timing
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 18 days ago #24-00917777

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 11498 52 St SE

Left hand turn signal from Westbound 114 Ave SE turning onto southbound 52 St SE is too short in the evening rush hour. A lot of traffic backs up
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 18 days ago #24-00921597

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 1540 29 St NW

Advanced left turn signal needed
CLOSED 18 days ago #24-00915522

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 103 Edgemont Bay NW Edgemont

Lights here at Edgemont Drive and John Laurie need a sensor. I believe there used to be one here. Often the lights from Edgemont Drive onto John Laurie turn green when traffic on JL is heavy, and after there is no traffic at all. Annoying...
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 18 days ago #24-00914640
Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 103 Edgemont Bay NW Edgemont

Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at Evanston Way NW Evanston Calgary

Evanston Way/Evanston Link at (Westbound) Symons Valley Parkway NW
CLOSED 18 days ago #24-00922011

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