View Requests - 3,298 found

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 2027 42 Av SW

Tree hanging into the road and blocking cars
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00518191 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 2 days ago #24-00518191

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 804 5 Av NW

Over hanging branches encroaching the play ground equipment. Posing a potential hazard to park users .
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00888612 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 2 days ago #24-00888612

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 4483 4 St SW

Tree has black knot - fwd to urban forestry
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00946506 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 3 days ago #24-00946506
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 4483 4 St SW

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 1440 Moorcroft Rd SW

Unhealthy tree, mushroom growth half way up
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00951778 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 3 days ago #24-00951778
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 1440 Moorcroft Rd SW

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 712 Poplar Rd SW

construction site that has had the tree protection removed for quite awhile, tree is struggling - site is still under construction - tree needs water and mulch ( some exposed roots - maybe replacement - please access/
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00420442 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 3 days ago #24-00420442

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 106 Sierra Morena Green SW Signal Hill

Evergreen tree is city owned and causes obstructed view of south-moving vehicles at intersection due to its poor location at the corner and extensive spread. Tree should be trimmed or ideally removed.
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00446190 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 3 days ago #24-00446190
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 106 Sierra Morena Green SW Signal Hill

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 2385 5 St NW

There is a spruce tree on the corner of this property that is obstructing pedestrian use of the sidewalk. It is also obstructing the fire hydrant visibility/usage. I spoke with the business owner of this property and they told me that thi...
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00920745 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 3 days ago #24-00920745

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 4 Woodborough Rd SW

Someone cut a tree down in the park with a chainsaw
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00951067 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 3 days ago #24-00951067

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 1301 Prospect Av SW

Dead tress on city property
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00528094 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 4 days ago #24-00528094

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 112 Oakside Rd SW

2023 3rd Avenue NW
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00710269 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 4 days ago #24-00710269
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 112 Oakside Rd SW

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