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Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 840 Bridge Cr NE

CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00270611
Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 840 Bridge Cr NE

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 397 Harvest Hills Dr NE

This has been a nightly occurrence for the past week, times differ but howlings happen between 8pm-1am. Coyotes howling and are very close to the backyard of houses and have pups
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00014487

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 32 Baycrest Pl SW

3 coyotes on the other side of the fence. Didn't leave when our 70 lb dog ran out to the fence. They were vocalizing at the dog but not backing off at all. Wouldn't leave until I came out on the patio with a strong blinking flashlight and...
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #23-00767524

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 76 Carrington Cl NW

Kindly note that there are two sizable wild coyotes observed in the vicinity of the NE Livingston community pathway, spanning from the pond to the NW Carrington community pond pathway and playground. Given the substantial number of reside...
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #23-00939667
Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 76 Carrington Cl NW

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 727 Mahogany Bv SE

I was walking my dogs and saw a coyote
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #23-00838480

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 3515 Varal Rd NW

CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00187788
Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 3515 Varal Rd NW

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 803 48 Av SE

CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00283731
Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 803 48 Av SE

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 55 Somerside Cm SW

Coyote appears to have killed a cat last night 416am. Seen on my camera
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #23-00531639

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 9 Bluerock Wy SW

Coyote sitting near my home. Injured front left lag and was limping. Went over to storm water pond
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #23-00872246

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 1530 17 Av NW

I am sitting in my basement suite and for the last two hours have been hearing howling outside. I haven't gone out to look but I think it's a coyotes as I saw two in the neighbourhood Monday morning. I am wondering if it might be hurt.
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00025924

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