View Requests - 3,025 found

Spring Street Cleaning at 350 Mckenzie Towne Li SE

Thank You So Much for Resweeping Today
CLOSED about 1 month ago #22-00413045

Spring Street Cleaning at 303 Douglas Ridge Mews SE

Scheduled street cleaning yesterday did not include cleaning of any of the cul de sacs (200, 300 or 400 Douglas Ridge Mews SE). Nor was any cleaning done along either side of the centre grassy median on the main thouroughfare in Douglasda...
CLOSED about 1 month ago #22-00356254

Spring Street Cleaning at 84 Douglasdale Pt SE

The street cleaning crew came by our neighborhoods yesterday, and did not do a good job cleaning up the gravel. Gravel was shot up on sidewalks and lawns during the cleaning, and many sections of street were missing (no cars were parked t...
CLOSED about 1 month ago #22-00356688

Spring Street Cleaning at 736 Prestwick Ci SE

Missed street sweeping
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00337349
Spring Street Cleaning at 736 Prestwick Ci SE

Spring Street Cleaning at 35 Southland Crescent SW Southwest Calgary

My neighbour, 6th year in a row, has not removed his vehicles from the street for cleaning. Why should myself and the neighbour on other side have to suffer with this damn scofflaw each year? Get some guts and tow this low life's 3 cars!...
CLOSED about 1 month ago #21-00300705

Spring Street Cleaning at 96 Berkley Cl NW

I would like to thank you for do the spring cleaning to Berkley Close street NW Today 22 June 2023, but I am wondering why you did not put cleaning signs at the street to notify us with the time of cleaning? And what will happen to the ve...
CLOSED about 1 month ago #23-00462121

Spring Street Cleaning at Panatella Heights NW Northwest Calgary Calgary

Poorly done street cleaning. Rocks and debris are still present and a danger to kids on bikes and scooters.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #23-00403825

Spring Street Cleaning at 3012 Utah Dr NW

Entire section missing from street cleaning.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #23-00376806
Spring Street Cleaning at 3012 Utah Dr NW

Spring Street Cleaning at Chaparral Valley Dr SE Southeast Calgary Calgary

Mud and gravel all over the road - needing street cleaners.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #23-00304889

Spring Street Cleaning at 99 Evansfield Cl NW

The street was not cleaned as per the scheduled date, looking online it shows like the only area in Evanston which was not done.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #23-00414662

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