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Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 156 Sherwood Cr NW

Two coyotes howling at night
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00121290

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 159 West Springs Pl SW

2 coyotes have been in the West Springs Park for several days for long stretches. They are in the pockets of trees as well as in the open on the ball diamond, soccer field and playground
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00126366

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 11920 Country Village Li NE

My dog and I were approached today by a coyote showing teeth and hunching as it approached, happened 3 times. Probably protecting a nearby den. I've seen several in the area the last few months, but they've kept their distance. This is...
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00281140

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 36 Gainsborough Dr SW

Spotted a limping coyote, unable to walk on front right leg.
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00349437

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at Canyon Meadows Calgary Ab

Coyotes are constantly coming to our fence to antagonize my dog. They sit and howl at him. Sometimes there is one, other times there are 4. They also try to get through our fence. This has especially been happening since the corridor...
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00507790
Coyote Sightings and Concerns at Canyon Meadows Calgary Ab

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 59 Cambridge Rd NW

Coyote is out every evening. It just tried to get my dog. This is not the first time. It is out every night starting around 8. Possible den by the stairs going down to 10th Street nw
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00393391

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 303 Glamorgan Cr SW

Looks like front left leg is broken
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00395281

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 126 Bridleglen Mr SW

4 coyotes going up and down the street
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #23-00826369
Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 126 Bridleglen Mr SW

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 1573 Hidden Creek Wy NW

Walking dog, was dark, Coyote parallel us, stopped , we changed direction, so do Coyote, Coyote then disappeared, I changed direction with dog again, Coyote must have gone around us and reappeared facing us ahead of us. I yelled at it and...
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #23-00772160

Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 4455 110 Av SE

Coyote in our parking lot and at our back entrance.
CLOSED Not Completed. System Updated on 06-DEC-24. - 15 days ago #24-00034554

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