View Requests - 3,025 found

Spring Street Cleaning at 3 Chaparral Valley Dr SE

Mud, rocks and debris on the road caused by commercial vehicles leaving Wolf Willow. This is ongoing and is getting worse. They have no debris transfer mitigation in place. It's time bylaws stepped up and let the developer know that this...
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00913170
Spring Street Cleaning at 3 Chaparral Valley Dr SE

Spring Street Cleaning at 819 Lysander Dr SE

Entire Street missed during scheduled cleaning. Lysander Dr has not been cleaned at all.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00397667
Spring Street Cleaning at 819 Lysander Dr SE

Spring Street Cleaning at 1 Martindale Dr NE

There is lot of gravel on 64th ave eastbound, past 64th ave and Castleridge blvd NE in the middle and sides all the way to 64th ave and Falconridge blvd of the road which is quite dangerous for motorcycle riders.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00396707

Spring Street Cleaning at 386 Mt Cornwall Cir SE Mc Kenzie Lake

We were scheduled to have our street cleaned, however was not completed. TELUS was installing PureFibre.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00471253
Spring Street Cleaning at 386 Mt Cornwall Cir SE Mc Kenzie Lake

Spring Street Cleaning at 63 Copperfield Pt SE

Street signs were up saying that the street was supposed to be cleaned on April 22, 2020, and it was never cleaned. As we have many children on the street we would like if cleaned, and it's pretty annoying that everyone made arrangements...
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00320396

Spring Street Cleaning at 11 Grafton Cr SW

All of Grafton Crescent needs a resweep.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00346030
Spring Street Cleaning at 11 Grafton Cr SW

Spring Street Cleaning at 56 Prestwick Cl SE

CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00340601
Spring Street Cleaning at 56 Prestwick Cl SE

Spring Street Cleaning at 4540 19 Av NW

Street was swept yesterday. Job done very poorly! I have pictures to share of how badly done. Please resweep!!
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00350261

Spring Street Cleaning at 150 Cornerstone Rd NE

Our road is not cleaned . Lots of stones are on the road and its very dirty.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00356366

Spring Street Cleaning at 423 35 Av NW

The street was "swept" 2 days ago, however, I was home ALL day, nobody swept the street and it is still filthy. All other streets in our area have been swept.
CLOSED about 1 month ago #20-00470396
Spring Street Cleaning at 423 35 Av NW

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