Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 52 Panora Ri NW

CLOSED 26 days ago #23-00535139
Submitted Mon Jul 17, 2023

Blind Corner - Not safe for kids to access the park

Issue: Roadmarking (Add or Modify)

Details of request: Owner has parked his Truck.. This truck never moves and it's a blind corner at the curve.. Not safe at all for kids and pedestrians who are trying to access the park or baseball pitch. Owner hasn't moved this truck in the past 1 year.. I was once about get a involved in an accident almost 3 weeks ago. Yesterday again i saw a kid struggled to cross the road and access the park.. Owner isn't at fault since He has parked in his property.. I would expect City to put up a Blind Mirror in corner..

Specific location details: Park beside and in front of 52 Panora Rise NW, Panorama Hills

address: 52 PANORA RI NW

coordinates x,y: -7018.986385826607, 5670166.539237876

coordinates lat,lng: 51.16757861592761, -114.1003608332959

ward: 3

Timestamp Description
Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:03am Closed
Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:03pm Opened
Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:01pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone