Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 1789 Costello Bv SW

CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 17 days ago #23-00589506
Submitted Sun Aug 06, 2023

No left turn when ctrains cross to and from Sirocco station

Concern: Signal Timing

Road you are travelling on: Sirocco Drive SW

Direction of Travel: North

Time of Day: AM Rush Hour

Describe Issue: When train after train crosses to and from Sirocco station, drivers still cannot turn left onto westbound 17th Ave SW when you can from Simcoe Blvd SW onto the same street. Why? This isn't funny anymore and nobody's listening or willing to do anything about this. I've brought this up for over a year and nobody's willing to listen. You can't turn left from northbound Sirocco Drive SW onto westbound 17th Ave SW when trains cross. Please change the light so you can.

address: 1789 COSTELLO BV SW

coordinates x,y: -11960.79601150666, 5655762.1995534515

coordinates lat,lng: 51.03800736, -114.17054381

ward: 6

Timestamp Description
Mon Aug 14, 2023 02:52pm Completed - Close SR
Thu Aug 10, 2023 02:45am Closed
Sun Aug 06, 2023 09:03pm Opened
Sun Aug 06, 2023 09:02pm Submitted via Android Android