Streetlight Damage at 212 Carrington Bv NW

CLOSED 5 months ago #23-00616266
Submitted Wed Aug 16, 2023

Is damage due to a Collision? No

What is Streetlight lighting? Residential Roadway

Nature of Damage: Pole - Leaning

Specific Damage Details: At some point what looks like a large construction vehicle During construction backed into the light post Is leaning towards house number 217

Any other location details: Northbound side of the road on Carrington Blvd., House number 217

address: 212 CARRINGTON BV NW

coordinates x,y: -5284.256893965636, 5671593.503915225

coordinates lat,lng: 51.180425, -114.0755778333333

ward: 3

Timestamp Description
Tue Feb 27, 2024 08:59am Closed
Wed Aug 16, 2023 02:10pm Opened
Wed Aug 16, 2023 02:07pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone