Shrubs, Flowers, Leaves Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 19 Freeport Wy NE

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1635785. - 8 months ago #23-00832544
Submitted Wed Nov 08, 2023

Henbane weeds in storm pond path

Issue: Flower / Shrub maintenance

Describe the concern in detail: Black Henbane weed skeleton in park adjacent to Cargill plant. It's a noxious weed and if the skeleton isn't removed there will be many more next year

address: 19 FREEPORT WY NE

coordinates x,y: -719.0104850933855, 5668011.272828935

coordinates lat,lng: 51.14824632, -114.01027646

ward: 5

Timestamp Description
Mon Nov 27, 2023 09:14am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1635785.
Wed Nov 08, 2023 08:35pm Complete
Wed Nov 08, 2023 08:29pm Opened
Wed Nov 08, 2023 08:28pm Submitted via Android Android