Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 1010 6 Av SW
Poor timings, poor detour, lane reversal working against people getting to where the majority of apartments in the entire city. Traffic study required, 5th request.
Concern: Signal Timing
Road you are travelling on: Memorial Dr/ 10 st
Direction of Travel: West
Time of Day: PM Rush Hour
Describe Issue: Poor traffic management.
address: 1010 6 AV SW
coordinates x,y: -5873.508504719288, 5656888.885820612
coordinates lat,lng: 51.04823038556327, -114.0837662284665
ward: 7
Timestamp | Description |
Wed Dec 06, 2023 04:24pm | Opened |
Wed Dec 06, 2023 04:22pm | Submitted via iPhone |