Snow On City Road at 217 Windermere Rd SW

OPENED 6 months ago #24-00061410
Submitted Wed Jan 24, 2024

Snow pushed from road and sidewalk onto bike lane.

Issue: Marked Bike Route (on street) - hazardous/emerg

Specific details of issue: Snow pushed from road and sidewalk onto bike lane making it unusable and dangerous.

Specific location details: All of Spruce Drive SW bike lane

address: 217 WINDERMERE RD SW

coordinates x,y: -11073.98251960765, 5657353.680424473

coordinates lat,lng: 51.05233206, -114.15794782

ward: 6

Timestamp Description
Wed Jan 24, 2024 09:16pm Opened
Wed Jan 24, 2024 09:15pm Submitted via Android Android