Snow On City Road at 826 Radford Rd NE

CLOSED 4 months ago #24-00219607
Submitted Wed Mar 27, 2024

Snow plow did such a terrible job on our road, they plowed over 6 ft away from our sidewalk only, and left huge mounds to where no one could even park. I had to flatten out their pile on my road in front just to be able to pull my car in. and I know for a fact there were not cars parked in a 5 house stretch (where I am in the middle of) on the day they did it because I could tell from the plow pattern. Please re-do

Issue: Road Plowing/Clearing request - hazardous/emerg

Specific details of issue: Snow plow didn't plow over 6 ft away from the sidewalk, and left huge mound in that area

Specific location details: 800 block Along north side of Radford rd NE

address: 826 RADFORD RD NE

coordinates x,y: -3097.15853113959, 5658274.023916462

coordinates lat,lng: 51.060704052873, -114.0441826181026

ward: 9

Timestamp Description
Wed Mar 27, 2024 02:04pm Closed
Wed Mar 27, 2024 01:55pm Opened
Wed Mar 27, 2024 01:54pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone