Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 366 Cranford Dr SE

OPENED 11 days ago #24-00704205
Submitted Thu Sep 05, 2024

Request for Crosswalk

Issue: New Painted Crosswalk Request

Details of request: Crosswalk is requested at the intersection of Cranford Dr and Cranford Close SE. The intersection gets overwhelmed at school drop off and pickup. With people parking and blocking the sidewalk approaches at times. It is unsafe for kids and families trying to cross the street.

Specific location details: Cranford Drive SE and Canford Close SE

address: 366 CRANFORD DR SE

coordinates x,y: 2324.2756635525675, 5637410.423334365

coordinates lat,lng: 50.87314702, -113.96697622

ward: 12

Timestamp Description
Thu Sep 05, 2024 04:45pm Opened
Thu Sep 05, 2024 04:44pm Submitted via Android Android