Road Repair at 170 Creekstone Ph SW

OPENED 2 months ago #25-00016853
Submitted Wed Jan 08, 2025

I have submitted this request before but no response unfortunately. When the road paver/concrete was poured, it was not correctly sloped, so the slip is not flowing down so it gets stuck in front of my sidewalk. Which during summer, caused a big water puddle when rain, now when the snow from the road melts, it is creating ice puddle on my sidewalk as it is not sloped correctly and it is all piling up here. Please I request to fix the road slip as it should be, as it is causing dangerous situation

Issue: Uneven Surface / Cracks

Specific details of the issue: I have submitted this request before but no response unfortunately. When the road paver/concrete was poured, it was not correctly sloped, so the slip is not flowing down so it gets stuck in front of my sidewalk. Which during summer, caused a big water puddle when rain, now when the snow from the road melts, it is creating ice puddle on my sidewalk as it is not sloped correctly and it is all piling up here. Please I request to fix the road slip as it should be, as it is causing dangerous situation

Specific location details: 170 Creekstone Path SW - the slip should be running towards 166 Creekstone Path SW (towards north) but it is not

Type of Road: Paved Public Road

address: 170 CREEKSTONE PH SW

coordinates x,y: -4490.154932558342, 5636216.211111008

coordinates lat,lng: 50.86239828806814, -114.0637823647538

ward: 13

Timestamp Description
Wed Jan 08, 2025 02:58pm Opened
Wed Jan 08, 2025 02:58pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone