Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 84 Calhoun Cm NE

OPENED 4 days ago #25-00204502
Submitted Thu Mar 27, 2025

I am requesting a ‘No Parking’ sign in front of my house, which is located on a corner lot. Parked cars in this area create visibility issues for drivers and pedestrians, making it dangerous. The obstruction also affects traffic flow and can lead to potential accidents. Please assess the location and consider installing a ‘No Parking’ sign to improve safety.

Issue: Permanent Sign (Add or Modify)

Details of request: I am requesting a ?No Parking? sign in front of my house, which is located on a corner lot. Parked cars in this area create visibility issues for drivers and pedestrians, making it dangerous. The obstruction also affects traffic flow and can lead to potential accidents. Please assess the location and consider installing a ?No Parking? sign to improve safety.

Specific location details: 84 Calhoun common NE

address: 84 CALHOUN CM NE

coordinates x,y: -3598.0252890752663, 5672213.004155506

coordinates lat,lng: 51.1860071, -114.0514668

ward: 3

Timestamp Description
Thu Mar 27, 2025 03:53pm Opened
Thu Mar 27, 2025 03:52pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone