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Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 728 14 St SE

Hedge encroaching on sidewalk.
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1642114. - 10 months ago #24-00171421
Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 728 14 St SE

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 360 Harvest Hills Cm NE

Bike path along north side of condos and country hills bv needs to be plowed , this is a pathways asset
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1642487. - 10 months ago #24-00186119

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 147 Bridlewood Cm SW

Inaccessible pathway
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1642151. - 10 months ago #24-00172840
Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 147 Bridlewood Cm SW

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 3104 Parkdale Bv NW

For years this area is dangerous as it floods and freezes and the ice can collapse causing accidents to cyclists. It's long so also dangerous to navigate. Would appreciate a review of drainage and help to make this safe please.
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1642357. - 10 months ago #24-00181315
Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 3104 Parkdale Bv NW

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 155 Cranarch Ci SE

Windrows blocking drainage causing the foot paths to flood and freeze.
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1642352. - 10 months ago #24-00177337
Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 155 Cranarch Ci SE

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 70 Royal Elm Way NW Northwest Calgary

It is difficult to clean snow because my house is located in corner, also the floor surface lay is low, usually becomes ice up, it is major problem that area is not constructed a rain or water spout. It is slippery and easily hurt pedestr...
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1641630. - 10 months ago #24-00145784

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 219 90 Av SE

Dangerous for pedestrians Flashing lights should be 4 way, not only 2 way Almost witnessed accident between car and pedestrian May need better lighting
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1641661. - 10 months ago #24-00147878
Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 219 90 Av SE

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 141 Carrington Pz NW

Sinkhole on bikepath
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1642306. - 10 months ago #24-00178735
Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 141 Carrington Pz NW

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 5217 52 St SE

It would be nice if the MU pathway here along 52nd ST was finished all the way to 50 Ave. It stops short about 40m short of 50 Ave. Right now it's barely passable because of deep soggy mug. Thank you!
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1642302. - 10 months ago #24-00178479

Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 1636 56 Av SW

There was once a post here which is gone, but the raised metal base remains and will either trip a pedestrian or a cyclist. This is on the Glenmore pathway right behind the water treatment plant close to emergency marker ER130 on Elbow Ri...
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1642271. - 10 months ago #24-00177418
Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 1636 56 Av SW

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