View Requests - 1,939 found

Wildlife Sightings at 1928 8 Av NE

CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 5 days ago #24-00789573
Wildlife Sightings at 1928 8 Av NE

Wildlife Sightings at 4407 Dalgetty Hl NW

Backyard of property.
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 5 days ago #24-00789137
Wildlife Sightings at 4407 Dalgetty Hl NW

Wildlife Sightings at 505 78 Av SW

Skunk spotted around 10pm in Kingsland Park just behind the Community Centre west of the soccer posts.
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 7 days ago #24-00783271

Wildlife Sightings at 319 Huntbourne Hl NE

Bobcat sighting
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 8 days ago #24-00782299

Wildlife Sightings at 95 Pennsburg Way SE Penbrooke Meadows

It's a few skunks
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 8 days ago #24-00781924

Wildlife Sightings at 220 Erin Dale Pl SE Erin Woods

Fox getting into my nextdoor neighbors garbage
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 9 days ago #24-00781263

Wildlife Sightings at 7739 101 St NW

I was walking my dog and saw a small fury animal at the side of the pathway. I thought it was a baby bunny but at closer look I saw that it had a mouse or rat like tail. It looked like a mouse but was much larger than any mouse or vole I...
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 9 days ago #24-00780942

Wildlife Sightings at 130 7 Av SW

Live bat on ground
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 9 days ago #24-00779755
Wildlife Sightings at 130 7 Av SW

Wildlife Sightings at 99 Pennsburg Way SE Penbrooke Meadows

Skunks in next door yard
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 9 days ago #24-00779385

Wildlife Sightings at 35 Grier Pl NE Thorncliffe

I have just seen a coyote right behind my apartment. I feel this is a risk to my three kids aged 7 months ,7 years and 11 years.
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 11 days ago #24-00775846
Wildlife Sightings at 35 Grier Pl NE Thorncliffe

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