View Requests - 13,272 found
Snow On City Road at Wolf Creek Dr SE Southeast Calgary CalgaryMulti instances of cars sliding unto a busy intersection because of the unusually slippery approach to the intersection
Snow On City Road at 71 Copperstone Park SEThis corner is a pure ice sheet. Cars are sliding through trying to turn south no matter how slow they’re going.
Snow On City Road at 3312 30 Av SESevere Ice at Intersection
Snow On City Road at 104 Calhoun Cm NEIcy intersection,
Snow On City Road at Calgary Ab CaI'm concerned about the snow maintenance on main roads. I dislike dirty half melted stuff that is flying on salted roads. But in the spring sand is a problem as well. It must be removed from the streets which is expensive. Salt is harmful...
Snow On City Road at 210 Elgin Ri SEThe intersection is extremely icy and truck comes around the corner and guns it almost taking out the fire hydrant.
Snow On City Road at 14700 Deerfield Dr SENeed gravel and salt on 146 Ave.
Snow On City Road at 13835 Parkland Bv SEVery icy approaching intersection. Cars are sliding on to main road.
Snow On City Road at 2101 146 Av SERoad is ridiculously ice covered
Snow On City Road at 2 Oakmount Co SWVery icy roads along oakmount drive and Oakmount court sw. Request sanding please.