View Requests - 2,000 found

Wildlife Sightings at 22 Barclay Wk SW

Dead goose in the ice by the smaller bridge
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - about 9 hours ago #24-00917453
Wildlife Sightings at 22 Barclay Wk SW

Wildlife Sightings at 236 Prestwick Pt SE

Domestic bunny chewing wires
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 1 day ago #24-00915091

Wildlife Sightings at 6711 37 St SW

Probable mountain lion sighting
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 1 day ago #24-00914943

Wildlife Sightings at 139 Evergreen Ct SW Southwest Calgary

Adult wildcat appeared in my backyard, walking by on our patio at ground level et looked through our patio door.
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 3 days ago #24-00913637

Wildlife Sightings at 11033 Elbow Dr SW

There were a litter or 6 black kittens behind the alley north of the Chevron gas station. I happen to be driving and the kittens are so little they might freeze to death
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 3 days ago #24-00913256

Wildlife Sightings at 1770 21 Av NW

Goose alive but sitting in snow for a few hours. May be injured
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 4 days ago #24-00910805
Wildlife Sightings at 1770 21 Av NW

Wildlife Sightings at 4 Aspen Cliff Cl SW

Deer stuck on fence - Alive! please help
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 5 days ago #24-00907986

Wildlife Sightings at 249 River Rock Pl SE

CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 7 days ago #24-00898725
Wildlife Sightings at 249 River Rock Pl SE

Wildlife Sightings at 4947 Marian Rd NE

Bobcat jumped out of my pine tree.
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 8 days ago #24-00897184
Wildlife Sightings at 4947 Marian Rd NE

Wildlife Sightings at 62 Beacham Wy NW

CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 9 days ago #24-00895392
Wildlife Sightings at 62 Beacham Wy NW

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