Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 3 Johnson Pl SW

OPENED 19 days ago #23-00847521
Submitted Wed Nov 15, 2023

Request for no parking sign 15 feet from corner

Issue: Permanent Sign (Add or Modify)

Details of request: Currently there is no sign that informs people not to park 15 feet from the corner so as seen in the photo everyone parks right up to the sidewalk and corner which blocks the view of someone turning left from couture crescent onto dallaire ave. I have lived here over a year and have had near missed myself as this forces the car trying to turn left onto dallaire to creep out into the middle of the road before the driver has enough clear vision and sometimes a car is coming eastbound on dallaire

Specific location details: The southwest corner of dallaire ave sw where it intersects couture crescent. Cars parking along this roadway that borders peacekeepers park block the vision of the people trying to turn out from Lewis Mackenzie and couture . In the photo I am trying to turn left and the black sedan is parked so close to the corner by the park I have to creep into the middle of the road to see if it’s clear

address: 151 COUTURE CR SW

coordinates x,y: -8825.20808501748, 5651859.084127702

coordinates lat,lng: 51.002976021397544, -114.12574001191712

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Wed Nov 15, 2023 09:12am Opened
Wed Nov 15, 2023 09:10am Submitted via Web Web