Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 81 Aspen Summit Dr SW

OPENED about 1 month ago #23-00904153
Submitted Fri Dec 08, 2023

Request pedestrian crossing sign and speed limit sign as drivers do not stop for pedestrians and frequently exceed the 40 km maximum speed. There is one speed limit sign near 17th ave that is not easily seen. Additional northbound speed limit signs are requested as well as a pedestrian crosswalk sign or barrier similar to those further north on Aspen Summit Drive SW.

Issue: Roadmarking (Add or Modify)

Details of request: Previously requested without action. On Nov. 7, 2023, a vehicle honked the horn when I was crossing at a crosswalk which violates pedestrian right of way. This is a busy pedestrian crossing due to pathway and playground in the new development so a lot of children are crossing the road without adults. Aspen Summit Drive has several pedestrian signs but not at this location. The new development will increase pedestrian traffic as there is a walkway to the Aspen shopping mall.

Specific location details: Pathway and playground put children at risk.

address: 81 ASPEN SUMMIT DR SW

coordinates x,y: -14279.627641348183, 5656044.749950306

coordinates lat,lng: 51.040494475902044, -114.2036179534424

ward: 6

Timestamp Description
Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:24pm Opened
Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:23pm Submitted via Web Web