Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 1232 17 A St NW
There are several issues all outlined in the description portion of this request.
Issue: New Painted Crosswalk Request
Details of request: Even before and certainly since the completion of AHS Summit Centre, 17A St. NW traffic density and overall activity has steadily increased with minimal control measures in place to keep residents and visitors to the area safe. Our street is now busy, dangerous and appears to be structurally compromised. There is the normal expected traffic flow, but it also attracts and supports overnight, partial and all-day-5-days/wk parkers who routinely head to The Summit (inc. AHS staff & clients), SAIT and U of C via Lions Park LRT. It?s a main route for regular & ebike commuters & pedestrians including children heading to/from Queen Elizabeth schools & kids walking over to enjoy the Brawn Family Foundation Park. It also connects 2 busy parks and is a wildlife crossing zone. Regulatory signage east & west of the street between 12th & 8th Aves. is limited to 1-2hrs here and there and is unmonitored by CPA unless residents call in for their support. The rest is an unsafe free-for-all (literally and figuratively) as there are no deterrents/signage present to keep people in check?no: playground zones, crosswalk from park to park, u-turn reduction, speed bumps, parking meters, additional time limit signs, regular monitoring of cars parked within regulations, designated bike lane. Within the 7am - 5pm surge and decline of 50-60+ non-resident parked cars, the street is reduced to a single lane that is even narrower on snowy days, and during cold winter days, many of these cars are auto-started and sit idling/polluting for several minutes before the owner arrives. Alleyways and private driveways are affected as they are frequently blocked requiring residents to call 311 to deal with the illegal parking. Lastly, 17A is structurally poor with large fissures and unevenness present. Thank you in advance for your help.
Specific location details: 17A Street NW
address: 1232 17A ST NW
coordinates x,y: -7083.190528511262, 5658512.641161435
coordinates lat,lng: 51.06281382548477, -114.1010500918334
ward: 7
Timestamp | Description |
Tue May 14, 2024 11:06am | Opened |
Tue May 14, 2024 11:04am |
Submitted via iPhone ![]() |